Digital open venue

WAKE UP, PIXIE! Online morning Yoga for Musicians and Creatives

WAKE UP, PIXIE! Online morning Yoga for Musicians and Creatives

ONLINE MORNING YOGA EVERY FRIDAY IN MARCH! I have a very lazy dog named Pixie, who I have to drag out every morning. As a freelancing musician and creative, I've always struggled to establish a consistent morning routine. I’m also prone to laziness and find it hard to stick to regular practices. That’s why I decided to become a yoga teacher—if I’m the teacher, I can’t skip class! Last year I started to offer online morning yoga that’s called WAKE UP PIXIE and now I hope you would like to try it to. It has really helped me to stress down,  become more flexible and creative. OPEN FOR EVERYONE BUT PLEASE RSVP!



Do you want to find new collaborations to your film/music project? Join a day of online networking with southern Swedish/Scandinavian and Baltic Sea composers and film producers. GUEST TALKS AND SPEED MEETINGS! LIMITED SEATS SO RSVP!

DIGITAL OPEN VENUE -Ukraine in focus - Touring in Ukraine in 2025!

DIGITAL OPEN VENUE -Ukraine in focus - Touring in Ukraine in 2025!

MONDAY 14/4 13.00 -18.00. Do you want to learn about the Ukraine music/creatives scene? Join us on a day of online networking with Ukraine, southern Swedish and Baltic sea independent artists and professionals. GUEST TALKS, PROMOTERS, ARTISTS AND SPEED MEETINGS! Limited seats so RSVP!

DIGITAL OPEN VENUE - Touring in China with Love Kjellsson

DIGITAL OPEN VENUE - Touring in China with Love Kjellsson

Måndag, den 10 mars kl: 18.00 på DIGITAL OPEN VENUE - Love Kjellsson shares experiences from touring in China, focusing on performances that combine traditional music and circus elements. He talks about the expanding cultural market and their online discovery for opportunities in China with European artists. Limited seats so RSVP!

DIGITAL OPEN VENUE - Touring in New Zeeland with Anna Fält

DIGITAL OPEN VENUE - Touring in New Zeeland with Anna Fält

Måndag, den 3 mars kl: 18.00-19.00 ca - Do you want to learn about how ANNA FÄLT managed to tour in New Zeeland? Come and hear her talk and ask Anna questions. After the Q&A session we will run a speed meeting session with the attendees. This to build and/or expand your international network! Limited seats so RSVP!



I vår startar vi upp en första omgång med digitala möten, workshops, speed meetings etc på vår online open workspace DIGITAL OPEN VENUE. Vi bjuder in hela vårt nationella och internationella nätverk till vissa av aktiviteterna så det finns möjlighet att skapa nya kontakter utöver att få och dela med sig av kunskap och nätverk.