MONDAY 14/4 13.00 -18.00. Do you want to learn about the Ukraine music/creatives scene? Join us on a day of online networking with Ukraine, southern Swedish and Baltic sea independent artists and professionals. GUEST TALKS, PROMOTERS, ARTISTS AND SPEED MEETINGS! Limited seats so RSVP!
Report from Baltic artists in development network session in Malmö 2024
Three days of sharing, learning and networking with the regional independent creatives. Including learning about why and how to tour in the far east, grow your fans from zero to one million with zero budget, creating medieval flutes, PR with AI and storytelling, bathe in the cold Öresund, collecting big data about touring to help finding fitting venues. But above all we built connections for a long and sustainable artist career.
Fika with an artist sessions på Scania Sounds!
Fika is back with two sessions at the Swedish, Malmö located new showcase festival Scanian Sounds. On Thursday the 14/11 at 15.00 CET Anna Aloka Dj and event organizer etc from Ukraine and at 16.00 CET Chandrani from Bengal (Indian) folkfusion band KROSSWINDZ will be seated in front of their laptops ready to meet with Scania Sounds participants from southern Sweden!
Lyckade experiment i optimistiskt BAID 3.0 nätverk!
Dagarna for fort förbi i ett vårigt Krakow, via spännande samtal och workshops om ukrainska musikers vardag, inkludering och jämlikhet i musikbranschen, agila arbetsmetoder för musiker samt ett par lyckade experiment med fokus på nätverkande. Särskild uppmärksamhet ägnades åt uppdateringar om den ukrainska musikindustrin efter invasionen och säkerhetsfrågor vid en eventuell resa dit.