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Nu fortsätter det nordiska arbetet i STATUS. En representant från varje land i norden, inkl Färöarna och Grönland träffas under Musica Nova den 5–15.2.2025 i Helsingfors, för att tillsammans arbeta med de signaler, dvs trender och tendenser, inom musikbranschen, som fångats upp runt om i Norden. Har du sett något som pågår just nu, positivt eller negativt, vad gäller arrangemang, projekt eller initiativ, och som skulle kunna behöva hanteras på nordisk nivå? Detta gäller även positiva bra exempel som borde spridas.
ONLINE MORNING YOGA EVERY FRIDAY IN MARCH! I have a very lazy dog named Pixie, who I have to drag out every morning. As a freelancing musician and creative, I've always struggled to establish a consistent morning routine. I’m also prone to laziness and find it hard to stick to regular practices. That’s why I decided to become a yoga teacher—if I’m the teacher, I can’t skip class! Last year I started to offer online morning yoga that’s called WAKE UP PIXIE and now I hope you would like to try it to. It has really helped me to stress down, become more flexible and creative. OPEN FOR EVERYONE BUT PLEASE RSVP!
Do you want to find new collaborations to your film/music project? Join a day of online networking with southern Swedish/Scandinavian and Baltic Sea composers and film producers. GUEST TALKS AND SPEED MEETINGS! LIMITED SEATS SO RSVP!
Copenhagen and Denmark have some emerging talent in the music business. Independent agents as Sasha from Kant agency. Do you want to learn about how Sasha works as an agent? Come and hear her talk and ask her questions. After the Q&A session we will run a speed meeting session with the attendees. This to build and/or expand your international network!