This year we decided to try a new concept at the big world music happening #Womex2022. We invited a bunch of our talented artists to sit and have a “fika” from their homes in Sweden, with participants live in Portugal. The result? A lot of interesting meetings that would have otherwise never happened, and some possible new ideas for us to use for upcoming events.

We were visited by portuguese radio, had a lot of people curious in what we were doing and also got great feedback from people who actually loved to sit down and chat with a random stranger från Sweden and maybe even get a private concert directly from someones living room.
Sometimes, a quite simple idea becomes “new” and “exciting” because nobody is doing it in that context. At Womex, it’s all about meeting people face to face and networking. All good stuff! But we figured, why not try and bring digital meetings into the mix and see what happens? A lot of fun and games, so it seems. It also became a way for our musicians to have private showcase gigs to potential bookers and managers worldwide.
We are now going to evaluate this experience and the take aways as a concept to reuse in the future.
Recipe for “hallongrottor"
Since you asked, here is the recipe for our CEO Astrids (now) famous “hallongrottor”- (raspberry cave) - cake.
App 16 cookies
125 gr butter
3/4 dl sugar
2 dl wheat flour
1/2 dl potatoe or corn starch
2 teaspoons vanillasugar
1 teaspoon baking powder jam
Mix the room tempered butter and sugar together. Mix the dry ingredients and then mix all. Let the dough rest for 10 minutes. Make into balls, put each in paper cupcake moulds. Make a little hole/pit in each ball with your finger or a spoon and then fill the hole with 1/2 teaspoon of jam. 12 min in the oven at 200 dgr Celsius.
Tadaa! Bring some coffee and you’re set for a swedish fika.
Thanks to our musicians!
For making this crazy idea possible. Thanks to Brita Björs, Trio Rop, Anna Rynefors, Ba Balance and Anna-Karin Andersson for your time and effort.