Brief report from BAID 3.o network meet in Lviv

“This August Music Export Ukraine was thrilled to welcome our foreign colleagues to Lviv as part of the Baltic Artists in Development 3.0 project.
It was important for us to keep Ukraine connected to the global cultural scene, even during these challenging times.
We had an insightful lecture from Anton / Ship Her Son and @mari4i4ka from the Нижній Зал в Театрі Ляльок at Lviv Regional Puppet Theatre, where they shared their experiences on resilience and crisis management strategies that we’re using in Ukraine today. We have visited JamFactory together and talked about international cooperations. In the evening, together with Porichka - музична спільнота hosted a networking event at Львівський муніципальний мистецький центр with the wider music community to ensure our international guests could connect, find new partnerships, and lay the groundwork for future collaborations with Ukrainian colleagues.
Thank you to everyone who joined us and helped make this an unforgettable experience! Big up to our colleagues from Musikcentrum Syd (Sweden), UCE Agency (Estonia), and Tak Brzmi Miasto (Poland), who visited our beautiful country and helped to organize the second part of the meeting in Krakow, Poland.
Let’s continue to support each other and build bridges through music!
Congrats to Ukrainian team for making it happen @helen_gahan_music @helloiamdiana_ @klessick @grinmarin and our international guests @asttridsss @blauensphere @drumbichoo @britiimpeerium.mp3 @piotrkalinski.hattivatti for their courage and support!”
Written by Music Export Ukraine
PHOTOS: anna_aloka
PHOTOS:Tanya Vilchynska